Select your E-learning IMDG course

All personnel engaged in the transport of dangerous goods intended to be transported by sea shall be trained in the contents of dangerous goods provisions commensurate with their responsibilities. Employees shall be trained in accordance with the provisions of 1.3.1 before assuming responsibilities and shall only perform functions, for which required training has not yet been provided, under the direct supervision of a trained person.

Our range of IMDG online courses for Dangerous Goods (DG) training for sea are continuously revised in line with the most recent regulations to ensure our customers training is always up to date.These E-learning IMDG Courses can be followed 24/7. We provide a range of IMDG online courses:

E-learning IMDG code Awareness course (English)

The IMDG Awareness course (Amendment 40-20) is the IMDG training as E-learning for general shipping personnel such as office personnel, administrators, customer support and who require a working knowledge of the IMDG Code and dangerous goods shipping requirements.This course provides suitable knowledge for personnel who may not be covered by the Function Specific courses.This course is designed to meet the training requirements of the IMDG Code.

The online course consists of two modules:

• Module 1: The IMO, Conventions, Legal – and international requirements
• Module 2: General provisions, classes, packing groupss.and safety

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E-learning IMDG code Packer course (English)

The IMDG Code Packer/Cargo Handler course is for those who require IMDG training for packing dangerous goods and/or are involved in cargo handling, loading and / or unloading cargo transport units. According to the IMDG Code personnel must at least have an IMDG Code Packer Course certificate.

This IMDG course (Amendment 40-20) provides suitable knowledge for packers / cargo handlers:

The online course consists of three modules:

Module 1: The IMO, Conventions, Legal – and international requirements
Module 2: General provisions, classes, packing groupss.and safety
Module 3: Segregation and general provisions

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E-learning IMDG code Consignor / Freight Forwarder course (English)

Personnel engaged in the freight forwarding of dangerous goods intended to be transported by sea shall be trained in the contents of dangerous goods provisions commensurate with their responsibilities. The IMDG Code Consignor course is for those who require IMDG training for freight forwarding dangerous goods. According to the IMDG Code personnel must at least have an IMDG Code Consigner Course certificate.

This IMDG course (Amendment 40-20) provides suitable knowledge for Consignors / Freight Forwarders:

The online course consists of Four modules:

Module 1: The IMO, Conventions, Legal – and international requirements
Module 2: General provisions, classes, labels, packing groupss.and safety
Module 3: Segregation and general provisions
Module 4: Documentation and limited quantities

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E-learning IMDG code Ship loader course (English)

Personnel engaged in the ship loading of dangerous goods intended to be transported by sea shall be trained in the contents of dangerous goods provisions commensurate with their responsibilities. The IMDG Code ship loader course is for those who require IMDG training for freight forwarding dangerous goods. According to the IMDG Code personnel must at least have an IMDG Code Ship loader Course certificate.

This IMDG course (Amendment 40-20) provides suitable knowledge for Ship loaders:

The online course consists of Five modules:

Module 1: The IMO, Conventions, Legal – and international requirements
Module 2: General provisions, classes, labels, packing groupss.and safety
Module 3: Segregation and general provisions
Module 4: Documentation and limited quantities
Module 5: Ship operations

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E-learning IMDG code Ship operator course

Personnel engaged in the ship handling of dangerous goods intended to be transported by sea shall be trained in the contents of dangerous goods provisions commensurate with their responsibilities. The IMDG Code ship operator course is for those who require IMDG training for ship operating dangerous goods. According to the IMDG Code personnel must at least have an IMDG Code Ship operator Course certificate.

This IMDG course (Amendment 40-20) provides suitable knowledge for Ship operators:

The online course consists of six modules:

Module 1: The IMO, Conventions, Legal – and international requirements
Module 2: General provisions, classes, labels, packing groups.and safety
Module 3: Segregation and general provisions
Module 4: Documentation and limited quantities
Module 5: Ship operations
Module 6: IMO Port recommendations, International Convention for Safe Containers and Incident response and fire prevention

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